I finished up the last few tasks over the weekend. This means that all the coding is pretty complete at this point. I still need to document the internals a bit more, so third party tasks can be written. I also need to spend some time writing high level user documentation so getting up to speed on the system is strait forward. All this will all probably take me a week or so. Hopefully, I can then do a true release.
On a side note, one of the things that I ended up doing was adding code coverage metrics to the unit test running. The cover module made this possible. Unfortunately, it only provides the number of runs for each line of executable code without any information about global coverage percentages. When I get some time I am going to poke around in system and see if I can come up with a way to get the executable line count from a module. If I can get that information then providing high level project statistics wont be so bad.